Epic Elevation LLC launched The D.R.E.A.M Initiative Youth Mentorship Program on May 25th, 2022; After 12 weeks of programming, we closed our summer by participating in service projects, embracing our communities and celebrating our accomplishments.
August 20 - 21, 2022 - 3 Events | 3 Cities | Civic Service | CommUNITY Engagement| ARTISTIC ACTIVISM | ENDLESS ATTRACTIONS & Activities | RESOURCES | Community Leaders & Members | Networking | FREE Food | FUN | Vendors | Performances | Speakers| Giveaways | Road Trip & ROLLERCOASTERS | Water Rides & Beach VIBES | #EEPDREAMWKND2022 = #EPICINDEED!!!
On Saturday, 8/20/2022 | Bridgeton, NJ - Bridgeton Area Brothers United (B.A.B.U) hosted their 2nd Annual Community Day at Cherry St. Elementary School.

Festivities: Service Awards, School Supply & Bookbag GIVEAWAY (200+), bouncy houses, arts & crafts, magic show, live performances, FREE haircuts, FREE food, FREE Water ICE, face painting, vendors and "CommUNITY!" I was overwhelmed because I attended Cherry St. School as a youth; There was a special ceremony held for those who have served and empowered our community; The legends acknowledged, those living and those who have transitioned, have influenced our community greatly. There were many individuals present whose legacy, in short, will be "giving love & insight as they paved the way." It was an honor to share the experience with my mentees; Many thankhs to all!!!
On Saturday, 8/20/2022 | Vineland, NJ - Project Inspir8tion & The Cumberland County Unity Day Committee hosted their 3rd Annual Unity Day at Landis Park.
Due to an unfortunate loss in the family of one of the beloved CCUDC board members, it was decided to reschedule the Unity Walk and Panel at a later date yet UNITY DAY was POWERFUL!!! I am a proud member of CCUDC; I can attest to the commitment and vision behind this event. I look forward to our future! #UnityRequiresUandI

Festivities: Youth Communal Prayer, Community Resources, live band & performances, Youth vs Adults Bball Game, FREE food, FREE Ice Cream, FREE clothing items, vendors, speakers, and "Kid's Corner": Arts & Crafts, School Supply & Bookbag Giveaway (70+), Household Items & Bookbag Giveaway (4) and New Socks & Shoes courtesy of Al's Shoes.
The day was eventful to say the least!
Although we did not host the panel, issues in our community were discussed especially so at the art table...
FYI: New Jersey Homelessness Statistics
"As of January 2020, New Jersey had an estimated 9,662 experiencing homelessness on any given day, as reported by Continuums of Care to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Of that Total, 1,081 were family households, 595 were Veterans, 514 were unaccompanied young adults (aged 18-24), and 1,743 were individuals experiencing chronic homelessness. Public school data reported to the U.S. Department of Education during the 2018-2019 school year shows that an estimated 13,929 public school students experienced homelessness over the course of the year. Of that total, 42 students were unsheltered, 1,754 were in shelters, 1,538 were in hotels/motels, and 10,595 were doubled up." - usich.gov
Speaking with my mentees, I told them to imagine homeless people sleeping on the stage that the band will perform on ... Imagine someone sleeping under a tree... because it is a reality for some ... I told them - they can't wait for us to leave. I wanted to start a conversation surrounding extreme poverty, homelessness and the effects; I wanted to create a visual and instill gratitude in their hearts and minds for the fact that they did not have to live such a truth. I also wanted to teach the importance of empathy; We left Landis Park late in the evening, but we left love behind. My mentees painted rocks to plant throughout the park; Each rock was adorned with positive affirmations, positive vibes and positive intent. May the hearts that need them, receive them. #ArtHeals | #ArtisticActivism
A special thank you to my partners - each organization's mission agenda resonates deeply with my personal beliefs and the core values of Epic Elevation- SINCEREST THANKHS to the ladies of The Women's Progressive Club of Swedesboro & Vicinity: Chapter of the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs, Inc; B. Inspired Apparel of Philadelphia, PA and Queen Me Lashes & Brows of Cumberland County, NJ - "Kid's Corner" was LOVE! Unity Day 2022 was beyond a success - it was a BLESSING in more ways than one! THANK YOU! THANKH YOU! THANK YOU! to all those who supported this endeavor - now that's #BridgingTheGap !!!
On Sunday, 8/21/2022 | Wildwood, NJ-Girl Scouts of Central & Southern Jersey Fun Day at Morey's Pier.

Festivities: Girl Scouts of Central & Southern Jersey Meet & Greet | All Day Admission | 3 Amusement Piers | Raging Waters & Ocean Oasis Water Parks | All-you-can-eat at Rendevous Beach Pavilion | BEACH VIBES | I wanted to love on Mother Earth, our furry princess needed to roam resulting in a dizzy spell for the girls from trying to catch her. They definitely needed to chill & coast a bit... then suddenly.... we were Dolphin Watching on Atlantic City Shore. AMAZING! & To see so many Girl Scouts at once was beautiful to see; A whole new world for my mentees - bonds to build, heights to climb, explorations and discoveries to embrace. My Dreamers were able to see that they belong to a larger network and community outside of our hometown. This outing also displayed UNITY in Sisterhood & Women Empowerment. Epic Elevation aligns with the values of Girl Scouts of Central and Southern Jersey; I am forever grateful for our partnership.
This was THE FIRST #EEPDREAMWKND - the theme was "Unity In the CommUNITY"; It is my hope that my mentees felt love, learnt life lessons, built relationships and will continue to adopt attitudes of change agents to make our world a better place for dreams to come true! Epic Elevation's contribution to Unity Day at Landis Park - Bridging The Gap, Vineland NJ; Support for the community of Bridgeton at B.A.B.U Community Day at Cherry St. School, Bridgeton NJ and travelling to Wildwood, NJ to broaden horizons for GSCSNJ Fun Day were acts of love and service; May all be received in the spirit given. Check out more pics I captured during the weekend's festivities; Some were captured of me lol #iSpy
B.A.B.U 2nd Annual Community Day at Cherry St. Elementary School:
Project Inspiration & CCUDC 3rd Annual Unity Day at Landis Park.