On April 30th, 2022, Cumberland County Youth Sports Organization & Epic Elevation hosted a “Skate Jam” Fundraiser for CCYSO’s End of the Year Celebration.
*OVER $1,000 raised at the door | Plus private donations*
There’s MORE: Founder Robbi Ford and her team of DYNAMIC & DEDICATED Staff/Parent Volunteers are on the move in more ways than one! Above all else, the youth are earning great achievements and developing in every sector of the program!
The organization offers Track & Field, Basketball Camp, Cross Country & NFL Flag Football to virtually ALL youth with activities for children aged 4 and up; The organization will continue to expand and serve the community by offering wellness activities and programs for adults such as yoga and meditation as well as other services.

I heard them say…
“The hood never lacked talent… it lacks resources”
Not on Ms. Robbi Ford’s watch! THIS IS WHY EPIC ELEVATION SUPPORTS THIS QUEEN! The work she’s doing - The industry that she is dominating in - in the climate and I’m not speaking of the weather - I’m speaking on the CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS & LIMITATIONS placed before her, and the stamina employed as she weathers the storm to serve her community while also being a PHENOMAL MOTHER! EPIC INDEED!

#EpicElevationPresents ... Ms. Ford and I were in discussion about new services to add to the organization and the overall vision. Shortly after, I was led to donate to the organization which then resulted in SKATE JAM 2022- civic engagement, family fun and fundraiser event for CCYSO.
Fun Facts about Epic Elevation:
It is a holistic wellness social enterprise. Social enterprises seek to maximize profits while maximizing benefits to society and the environment. Their profits are principally used to fund social programs.
I curate events, produce products and offer services that aid in the elevation and personal development of men, women and children.

My dedication to women empowerment, especially minorities is a focal point of my mission however I seek to aid all utilizing evidenced based, divinely orchestrated and innovative practices while meeting social/environmental needs by way of the healing arts and other methodologies. Epic Elevation Presents: The D.R.E.A.M Initiative is the facet of the company that supports all philanthropic efforts of Epic Elevation. SKATE JAM 2022 was the first service project for this year - honored to serve.
Upcoming CCYSO Community Events:

Of course, there are ongoing fun filled, action packed youth competitions happening ALL OF THE TIME that ALL are encouraged to come out to and show support!
If you’d like to learn more about CCYSO, please visit here.
Epic Elevation sponsored giveaways, raffles and provided a S.T.E.A.M activity intended for the youth but somehow Robbi and the crew took over as the children were dashing to the rink with their glow trinkets, whistles and medals!
SO much FUN!!!
Check out a few more pics I captured with my iPhone; I left the Canon at home on more stable ground lol I didn’t even skate though! I was too busy here, there and everywhere but yall knew that!!! I was engaging with the youth on the “safe side” … I haven’t perfected how to “Roll Bounce” .. be sides #KabirKielKhronicles was LIVE in ACTION!!! lol
Super Shout Out to Skate 2000 for having us!
#iSpy : Cumberland County Youth Sports Organization & Epic Elevation Present:
“Skate Jam 2022”
everyone the pictures are so beautiful😍